"Nous Sommes Les Mannequins"
U.R. MODELS™ (Since 2012) has established itself as an independent organization of extra profit in the secret service of high society's universal refugees. We are a unique project on the common market of ideas, aggressively working behind the scene on a New Style of global reproduction. We do not distinguish aesthetic from ethic in pursue of the ultimate harmony between beauty and intelligence. We are counterrevolutionary agents of the people's fashion, looking for brand new values on the lost horizon. The commerce of creation against the spectre of free trade. The art of business in direct action, out to change the future more perfect. We promote extreme versatility and a radical endorsement of differences. Our goal is to materialize the collective memory of Heaven in the sublime form of a lucid dream, in order to deliver the human sex from its slavery to the mortal . We invite you to an alternative zone of subreality for a rendez-vous with your true self. We'll guarantee your integrity, protect your diversity, and foster your unity under all circumstances of the advertising process. We offer you serious assignments and the fairest shares accordingly your potentials. We'll help you to know and be known. To share the gifts you've got for the world in the best of your private interests. You are that you are - copy or be copied. The fight of the elite goes for individual rights. We declare total autonomy from the corporate machinery of urban design. We shook off the chains of the system thriving on guilt and greed. We are racing against the main stream of the corrupted capital's international abuse. Don't you want to join our force? You have been selected and can sign up for only $40, tax included, any day now if so wanted. We are ready, waiting for you.