"Nous Sommes Les Mannequins"
U. R. MODELS™ is an absolutely free enterprise of alternative modeling in independent service of the coming race. We deliberately misappropriate the best mannequins our location may offer in order to violently impose on them extra labour on lucrative parapolitical assignments. We also recruit new members through hawk-eyed scouting, providing due exposure for talented beginners out of all ages and genders for only $40.00 agency fee. Our optional portfolios cost but $150.00 and come in a package with personalized business cards and a Webpage of comparative standard on our well-advertised double-site.
U. R. MODELS™ isn't another inside intervention against the monetary system of the commandeered capital, but an external putsch of militant beautism. Our virtual mission is to promote military fashion to military people on the blackened market of avaricious nihilism. We are a neo-fashionist propaganda machine first of all, considering runway the battle ground of intelligent supremacy. A brand new beast of passion with a self-assured mandate to accelerate the inevitable fall of liberal democracy's perverted stardom. As opposed to the trendmark of uniform-as-fetish, we are out to propagate fetish as the uniform of the rising overnation of universal refugees.
U. R. MODELS™ is sworn enemy of the tribal grudge still governing primitive life on Earth. Our fight goes for individual rights beyond the rotten matrix of polar values, advocating a higher integrity of progressive differences. Radically harmonizing sex and moral according to the final covenant's principles of sin, we are recharged to create an explosive fusion of ecstatic irrationalism beyond partiality and prejudice. We imagine the socialist Kingdom as an Emporium of aesthetic judgement. We are a third path largely uncut in the jungle of subhumanist ethnography and only time will tell if it was a necessary motion.
U. R. MODELS™ is founded upon the idealistic furore against the reign of pop culture's degenerated reality. We act and live outside of Hell, governed by the grace of ignorant reverie. Our major goal is to unite vogue and riot in the firm conglomerate of a model militia. We are at hot war with the separatist majority dividing art from propaganda. We are tasked to forcibly switch the gear to insurgence mode, putting pristine make-up on Time's decaying face. We are keen to change the flow of eternal return, demanding qualitative deliverance from perdition based on glamorous evidences. We're engaged to beat both sides of the cosmic bargain through true work and love.
U. R. MODELS™ guarantees flexible and considerate arrangements to any extreme or unusual demand through a versatile cast of professional models carefully selected and labelled by the colour of their aura. This magical codification most effectively facilitates all commercial collaborations, reliably dispatching the best available character for each particular booking, with no extra fee ever demanded. Our activities are wholly confidential and completely unbiased about our clientele's socio-political orientations. Within the vast limits of our globalitarian taste, we provide for any ideology or creed. We endorse every fashion that empowers its buyers.
â–º We Are Showroom Dummies â—„